a Game.

a Text-Based Puzzle Adventure

Guide the Little One, a small 'a', through a world of typographic forms. In this world, 'a' can only be what it is—but within its own form lies a hidden potential. Solve puzzles, face challenges, and uncover the truth of what 'a' can become.

How to Play

Start by clicking "Play". Follow the narrative, entering the correct forms of 'a' to solve puzzles and guide the Little One on its journey. Each decision you make will shape its path.


In a world of typography, the Little One, a humble 'a', seeks to find its true self. Bound by letterforms, 'a' can never be an 'h' or 'b', but it can evolve within its own limits. As it journeys, the Little One meets other letters—some guiding, some misleading, and others shrouded in dark mysteries. The path is fraught with challenges and transformation.

The Whispering Glyph's Prophecy
An ancient Glyph murmurs:

"Through circles and shadows, the Little One transforms. Seek shapes that honor 'a's essence."

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